1. Words by Hand
  2. Tiny Animations
  3. E*motion
  4. Sistemadre
  5. Brand Collaborations




©Clarissa Sánchez-Cuenca 2024

A Copywriter life is a life among words. Words that strive to persuade, to fit in limited spaces, to be the voice of their brands. But, what words do after work, well, it’s another story. Words by Hand is a project about looking at words in a different way. Less as a resource and more with the curiosity of what else they have to say. 

Tiny Animations: In the transient beauty of children's art, I find a special kind of magic.These are a few of my daughters drawings from when they were younger. Curated treasures that I animate to keep alive. 

E ༘motion: More than ever, messages are fighting to squeeze in our limited brain space. I believe emotions are a key tool to bring meaning to our crowded minds. A little motion can help as well.

Sistemadre is a collaboration with Mother Nature. It’s about associating two type of elements: organic + designed. The designed pieces are 3D printed with PLA filament. This simple system allows you to build using branches, expanding the natural element into whatever you imagine.